legacy data
management strategies

wisearchive  WISEarchive™ 
wiseart  WISEart® 
wisecap  WISEcap® 
wisecast  WISEcast® 
wiseconversion  WISEconversion™ 
wisedata  WISEdata® 
wisedecision  WISEdecision® 
wiseguest  WISEguest® 
wisemerge  WISEmerge® 
wiseops  WISEops® 
wisepac  WISEpac® 
wiseref  WISEref™ 
wisereport  WISEreport® 
wisescript  WISEscript® 
wisetac  WISEtac® 

Healthcare legacy data management strategies for success

Let WISEware help you eliminate the costs associated with maintaining legacy applications and find the most intelligent way to manage your legacy data with easy, searchable access.

Do you have a legacy system that is not currently in use but retaining its data is critical to your operation? State and federal compliance regulations often require retention periods of up to thirty years.

Manage costs and improve control over your application infrastructure by reducing the total number of systems you support. Stop maintaining records on expensive production servers or difficult–to–access storage devices.

WISEware can install a web–based, accessible and searchable data resource. A web-based tool allows for printing individual legacy data entries (patient lab results, for example) on demand.

Contact usfor a free evaluation of your legacy system data archiving project.