
wisecap  WISEcap®
  Collection Agency
  Release 3.0
  WISEcap® agencies 
wiseart  WISEart® 
wisecast  WISEcast® 
wisedata  WISEdata® 
wisedecision  WISEdecision® 
wiseguest  WISEguest® 
wisemerge  WISEmerge® 
wiseops  WISEops® 
wisepac  WISEpac® 
wisereport  WISEreport® 
wisescript  WISEscript® 
wisetac  WISEtac® 

Collection agency management

Better manage your collection agency. Identify organizational inefficiencies and prioritize AR opportunities by identifying and managing trended data.

WISEcap is the perfect complement to the transactional collection system you already own. You don't need another computer system, or a complicated report writer from your software vendor.

WISEcap Dashboard

Secure access for your customers lets them appreciate your performance. Communicating the great job you do does not have to be costly, time consuming, or create an IT backlog.

WISEcap has tools for managing liquidation rates and preparing budget reports by client or line of business. Recovery analysis by credit score, debtor, and/or zip code can help focus efforts for optimum efficiency.

For more information on WISEcap and a web demonstration, contact us.