for the web

wisearchive  WISEarchive™ 
wiseart  WISEart® 
wisecap  WISEcap® 
wisecast  WISEcast® 
wiseconversion  WISEconversion™ 
wisedata  WISEdata® 
wisedecision  WISEdecision® 
wiseguest  WISEguest® 
wisemerge  WISEmerge® 
wiseops WISEops® 
wisepac  WISEpac® 
wiseref  WISEref™ 
wisereport  WISEreport® 
wisescript  WISEscript® 
wisetac  WISEtac® 

WISEops for the Web

From the creators of the original WISEops (GLFormat.exe) program many HCA facilities have used to create their DOR's (Department Operations Reports) for years, WISEops has always provided HCA facilities a convenient, secure mechanism for distribution of monthly mainframe reports, reducing printing and staffing costs.

WISEops for the Web offers a web based financial reporting tool with dashboards, trending reports and drill down capability especially useful to non–financial managers. By integrating financial and operating results from multiple systems across organizational levels, now you can drill down into reports from summary (i.e. group) level to division, hospital, and even department level.

Source reports for the WISEops department operations reports still come from your facility's HCA Patient Accounting, SMART and General Ledger systems. WISEware has created an automated report loader eliminating the need for manually downloading, saving and running monthly reports.

The system can be configured to authenticate against your Microsoft Active Directory reducing the need for duplicate passwords and user setup while providing Web accessibility and increased functionality.

Contact us for pricing and more information on WISEops for the Web and learn more about how to automate and improve your department financial reporting.